Animation created out of Gustav Klimt's painting The Kiss. I made a story inspired by the painting and animated it in Animate using parts I cut out in Photoshop. I called it TheKissOff.
I will add video to my gallery later. Until then visit my YouTube channel to see the result.
This is an app created in Adobe XD. It is a dating app for dogs, where their owners can make play dates, arrange to go for a walk or find the right puppy daddy for their dog.
This is a trailer I made using Premiere pro, where I changed the genre of Pretty Woman from romantic comedy to thriller.
I will add video to my gallery later. Until then visit my YouTube channel to see the result.
I made this self-portrait in Illustrator. I added effects to the picture and created an interesting typographic design of my name.
This is an app I designed in Adobe XD, where you can create playlists from multiple app providers in one platform. I call it playALL.
This was my first time editing pictures in Photoshop. I combined the images of a kitten and a Labrador and named the result KittyDog.
This was an assignment to recreate a magazine cover and a spread. I tried finding the same fonts and styles and then decided to make it my own by using plus size models.
Our first big project was to redesign a website for a new school. It was a group project, where we worked with Adobe XD, InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop.
This picture of me was taken, when we spent a day in the studio to learn about photography. Later I edited it using Lightroom.
This is a nature image that I edited using Lightroom.
We designed this poster to visualise the installation project that we created for the Christiansfeld Centre. It shows the three parts of the experience.
Part 1 is a map of the city turned into a puzzle. Part 2 is an app that takes you on a History Hunt around town to answer questions and collect letters for Part 3 - the final part, where the collected letters must be used to guess a word.
This is an app that I designed for an installation project, we did for the Christiansfeld Centre.
The app takes you on a History Hunt around town to historic locations, where you must answer questions and collect letters to guess a word at the end.
This is the first animation that I made in Adobe Animate. The assignment was to create a moving car with individually moving wheels.
I will add video to my gallery later. Until then visit my YouTube channel to see the result.
The first group assignment, where we made a Stop Motion Picture called Mission Possible, involving a dad who must use coding to save his kidnapped son.
I will add video to my gallery later. Until then visit my YouTube channel to see the result.
This is a short animation story I made in Adobe XD of a sheep trying to connect with some cows on a field. It is called Sheep?
I will add video to my gallery later. Until then visit my YouTube channel to see the result.